

EXIN offers career path certifications to help guide professionals in their journey.

The Certified Integrator packages offer professionals in Agile and Cloud Services the relevant background knowledge and context they need to excel.

Data Protection, Digital Transformation, Information Security, Digital Service Manager, and DevSecOps complete our offering.

Benefits for Career Path

Throughout their career, professionals will work together with people and teams in different disciplines which will help build the T-shaped skills required to add value to their role in the organization. As a natural process, IT professionals become T-shaped over many years through their experience. However, it is also possible to gain this knowledge and context more quickly through certification. 

Enrich your career with added benefits for professionals including:

Evidence Skills

Demonstrate the skills employers are looking for by obtaining related certifications that work together and better define a path for your career.


A role-orientation package is specified for the career you are chasing. You know where you want to go, let us help you get there.

Relevant Knowledge

Accumulate certifications to make you desirable for companies by saving them time, filling their skills gaps, and giving them an expert.

T-Shaped Skills

Corporations are looking for experts in many areas. They want to not only keep up with the changes in the IT market, they want to trailblaze and get ahead of the curve.

The term ‘T-shaped’ first rose to popularity in the early 2010s although it has been around since the 1980s. Although various other names for different shaped skills were coined throughout the years, the T-shaped skills have always remained an important one. Now, as modern businesses and organization are going through a digital transformation, the T-shaped professional is more important than ever.

Our Career Paths take this into consideration and help guide the T-shaped professional by combining broad and deep skills.

Understanding the T-Shaped Professional: The main body of the T represents the specialist skills the professional has in their chosen domain. The top part of the T represents background knowledge a professional has of adjacent domains that are related to their specialism. The specialist skills are strengthened by the background knowledge because it enables a professional to put their specialism into context.

Certification Details

The Certified Integrator ensures that professionals are able to increase their added-value by being able to offer employers a combination of specific and generalist knowledge. By placing their specialist skills within a context of broad knowledge, professionals can really maximize their potential.
The Career Path certifications offered by EXIN have been designed specifically for emerging roles within the IT domain. Each of the packages combines specialist skills with a broad background into a role-focused certification that aims to give professionals a flying start in their (new) role. Our most recent addition is the Digital Service Manager available for 3 distinct perspectives: Optimization, Transformation, and Integration
EXIN’s Career Path certifications help guide professionals working toward a specific role or set of skills. They come in two different formats: The Generalist certifications are ideal for professionals at the start of their career looking to broaden their knowledge and become a T-shaped professional. The Specialist certifications are ideal for more experienced professionals to help mark out a path that will lead them towards a specific senior role.